A Visit to Kinderhook Farm

One of the many wonderful things about visiting Hudson is stopping by the local farms. We visit Kinderhook Farm often where Shannon photographed Nugget the Lamb last year. This weekend he chased chickens around the yard, said hello to Nugget and had the good fortune of being given a farm tour by Anna the shepherd of Kinderhook Farm. While a flock of sheep was being herded in for the evening Anna received a phone call that Suzie the pig was giving birth to Piglets! Luckily Shannon was able to tag along, what an amazing spectacle to witness! 

We’re looking forward to many more local farm excursions this summer, check out shanimals.com for more animal adventures!

Sheep grazing at Kinderhook Farm

Sheep grazing at Kinderhook Farm

A skeptical hen

A skeptical hen

Anna the Kinderhook Farm shepherd and baby Jude

Anna the Kinderhook Farm shepherd and baby Jude

The flock being called in for the night

The flock being called in for the night

The creation of piglet life, thanks Kinderhook Farm for inviting us to this special moment!

The creation of piglet life, thanks Kinderhook Farm for inviting us to this special moment!

Suzie the sow feeding her newborn litter

Suzie the sow feeding her newborn litter

Nugget the Lamb, last year on Kinderhook Farm

Nugget the Lamb, last year on Kinderhook Farm

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